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Spring Training: The 2025 R-STS

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  • Spring Training: The 2025 R-STS
Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 8:45am

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R-STS 2025 is a 12-ride series for experienced B17 riders that ventures far beyond the GWB>Nyack corridor. This is the R-STS' ninth year.

Dates: Saturdays, March 1 through May 17.  Sunday is the rain date.
What: The “R” in R-STS is for “randonneur” which is a style of riding that blends touring and racing and which prioritizes preparation, efficiency and sleep deprivation.  It comes from the French word "randonee" which means wandering around and getting lost. The most famous randonnuer event is the quadriennial 750 mile, ninety-hour Paris-Brest-Paris.   

Routes: The R-STS goes out of its way to go out of the way. Rides will span Hunterdon County in western NJ, Orange and Suffolk in NY, and Litchfield, CT. Distances range 60 to 117 miles.  Climbing from 20' to 70' per mile.
• 3/01 - #01 - Hicksville, 70 miles, 1350' -
• 3/08 - #02 - Old Field, 64 miles, 1700' -
• 3/15 - #03 - Babylon by Candlelight, 63 miles, 2400' -
• 3/22 - #04 - Haverstraw, 60 mile, 2100' -
• 3/29 - #05 - Croton Heights, 49-64 miles, 2900' -
• 4/05 - #06 - Rainbow Lake, 49 miles, 2800' -
• 4/12 - #07 - Quogue, 100-117 miles, 1750' -
• 4/19 - #08 - Clove Mountain, 54-69 miles, 3700' -
• 4/26 - #09 - Pancake Hollow, 64 miles, 3100' -
• 5/03 - #10 - Roxbury, 54-59 miles, 3900' -
• 5/10 - #11 - Lambertville 2.0, 71 miles, 3900' -
• 5/17 - #12 - Goodridge, 67-72 miles, 3950' -
Food Stops: We take pride in our food stops. They will include Mediterranean, Brazilian and American BBQ, brick-oven pizza and some of the finest 7-Elevens in the tri-state area.
Gear: Any road bike, cyclocross, touring, hybrid or recumbent with which you can maintain the pace.   Recommended, but not required:

• 28mm, or wider, tires for back roads and occasional hard pack
• Some handlebar or seatpost storage
• Permanent or removable fenders
• Deep gearing for hills
• No aero bars
Who: Intended for SIG graduates and comparably experienced cyclists. The R-STS will encourage safety, preparation and efficiency.  Social skills always appreciated. 
Size: Initial registration will be limited to ten (10) riders. Open spots will be posted on regular ride listings. 
Riding: We follow B-SIG group riding protocols, but not pacelines.  The default pace is B17, but we'll break out to slower and faster groups.
Drop Policy: While we ride cooperatively and help each other out, but if you go off the front or back, you should be prepared to navigate the route on your own, fix a flat, etc.
Time Commitment: We do not have a formal absence policy, but we expect you to make good faith effort to participate in the series and to maintain conditioning if you miss a week.
Organization: The series will be co-operatively run, with each participant helping to sweep, pull, navigate and lead a portion of the rides. 
Signup: To sign up, please fill out this Google Form.

Signups closed for this Event

Spring Training: The 2025 R-STS
cycling trips